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Technical Assistance Bulletins

Name Download Description Revision Date
Criminal Offenses Related to Squatting Get Document

Information related to squatting laws in Texas.

School Based Law Enforcement Proficiency Cert. requirements Get Document

TCOLE is updating the requirements to obtain the SBLE proficiency certificate

Background Investigation - National Decertification Index requirement Get Document

Section 1701.169 requires TCOLE to identify a national law enforcement database

Course Documentation Requirements Get Document

Clarifying materials required for course files under Rule 215.9

Request for Continuing Education Waivers Get Document

Statute and Rule allow the Executive Director to waive the requirements of Continuing Education (CE) under
certain, narrowly defined circumstances. Those circumstances involve military deployment and extended medical

Appointment of New Agency Chief Administrators Get Document

This guide is intended to assist those responsible for hiring a new agency Chief Administrator and to help
ensure that the process is conducted in compliance with Texas Occupations Code 1701.451.

March 1, 2023 Digital Form Requirements Get Document

Announcement of required electronic submissions of the L1, L1-T, and F5 starting March 1, 2023

Qualified Retired Law Enforcement Officer Credentials (QRLEO) Get Document

This TAB describes the process by which a officers meeting the requirements for QRLEO credentials may acquire

Active Shooter Response Training for SBLE Credit Get Document

This TAB describes ALERRT Level 1 training credit to meet the active shooter training under Texas Education Code
Sec. 37.0812

Categories of Discharge on F-5 Separation Reports Get Document

TCOLE often receives questions from chief administrators regarding which category of discharge on an F-5 report
is most appropriate and the consequences of selecting a category that does not most closely meet the
circumstances surrounding the separation.

Ineligible TCOLE Credit for Webinars Get Document

Guidance on TCOLE Credit Alert for Webinars and Legislatively Mandated Courses

All Texas Law Enforcement Agencies/Contract Training Providers/Licensees Get Document

COVID-19 Response (Update)

L2 Medical and L3 Psychological Procedures Get Document

Instructions on required Medical and Psychological Exams

Specialty Certifications Get Document

Information on earning and applying for Specialty Certificates

Credit for Out of State Service Time and Training Get Document

Information on adding your prior law enforcement service and training to your TCOLE PSR.

Reading Your Personal Status Report Get Document

Information on interpreting your Personal Status Report from TCOLE.

Military Service Credit Get Document

Information on submitting military service time for training credit

College Credit for Licensees Get Document

Description of eligibility and submission of college hours.

Jailer Firearm Certification Get Document

Instructions for obtaining a Jailer Firearms Certification

Licensing Eligibility Based on Military Discharge Status Get Document

New information on military discharge status

Retired TCOLE Licensees Get Document

Information useful to retired or retiring licensees.

Training Mandates Get Document

Complete listing of legislatively mandated training for all licensees

Training Exemptions for Certain State Peace Officers Get Document

Description of training exemptions for certain State peace officers

Temporary Jailer Changes from the 86th Legislature Get Document

Review of statutory changes to Temporary Jailer Licensing/Training

School Based Law Enforcement Training Get Document

Information on mandatory training requirements for SRO's and ISD PD officers.

Constable's and Police Chief's Exemption from Certain Training Get Document

Information on Constable's and Police Chief's Training Exemptions

Temporary Licenses Get Document

Information on appointing Temporary Licensees

40 hr Crisis Intervention Training Course Get Document

Information on the 1850 40hr Crisis Intervention Training Course

Proficiency Certificates Get Document

Information on Obtaining Proficiency Certificates.

Becoming a Texas Licensee Get Document

Basic instructions for individuals on becoming a TCOLE licensee.

Requests for Waiver Get Document

Requests for Waiver of Continuing Education, Firearms Qualifications, and Eligibility Extension

A5 Student Separation From a Basic Licensing Course Get Document

Instructions on use of the A5 Form

Instructor Proficiency Certificates Get Document

Obtaining an Instructor Proficiency Certification

Changes to Agency Heads Get Document

How to report the change of an agency head

Appointing a Licensee Get Document

Basic information on appointing a licensee to an agency

High School Public Safety Endorsement Get Document

Information on applying credit for the High School Public Safety Endorsement

Non-Compliance Get Document

Information for licensees on failure to complete legislatively mandated training.

Courtroom Security Get Document

Information on the Courtroom Security Certifications

What is a Mandate 01.23.19 Get Document

Information on the various ways that the Legislature may mandate a training course

Basic Licensing Course Implementation Get Document

Information implementing a newly released basic licensing course

Reporting TCOLE Training 12.20.18 Get Document

Basic instructions for agencies and individuals wishing to report training to TCOLE.